This movie is a perfect summer blockbuster movie and Michael Bay is the perfect director for this kind of movie. This movie has barely any story, unintelligent characters, cheese-ball humour and characters we could care less about; so what possessed me to give it four stars? It's a ton of fun to watch; this movie has loads of amazing eye candy and a really fun attitude that makes this a summer blockbuster to remember.
Like I said the story is minimal and plain but it seems like the director knows this so he spends very little time with it; he doesn't try and develop insane and stupid plot twists but he just tries to go with the flow and make sure the audience has a good time. This is the same with the acting as Shia LaBeouf gives a funny performance and Megan Fox being the ultimate eye candy as well as being tough as nails; these characters aren't believable but they are fun and we kinda wish they were real. haha.
This movie isn't very intelligent at all but It's a ton of fun with some of the most amazing action sequences I've seen an a movie. If you're looking for the perfect getaway movie with no thinking required but a ton of sweet action? This is the one. This isnane attention to detail within the action keeps the movie enjoyable and fresh and I have to admit everytime I saw one of these robots Transform I had a huge smile on my face. This movie brought out the kid in me as I stared in wonder at my favourite robots duking it out. The action was just so incredible I have no choice but to give this movie four stars.
Overall this movie isn't special when you read this; the acting is okay, the story isn't really there, the humour is cheesy, but this movie has done something very few movies can do, it takes all these bad qualities and runs with them. Plus it throws in incredible and sweet action that will make you drool. This movie accepts it's campy script and makes it enjoyable and funny. This movie is a fun summer movie that will be considered a classic; I'm sure of it.
I liked the look in again
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