Movie franchises come and go but when a franchise begins it sometimes ends up being a headache. The first Transformers movie was awesome, big, loud and full of action. This was something that was special at the time but the welcome is definitely warn out. The second Transformer's movie was just offensive and stupid and now here is the final movie in Bay's self proclaimed masterpiece collection.
The first half of the movie isn't all that bad. Sure there is an excessive amount of screaming, unnecessary special effects, and girls in their underwear but the way it is played out by the actors is actually really fun. It's almost like a ridiculous B movie and the cast includes legends like, John Malkovich, Francis Mcdormand and that funny asian guy from the hangover. I don't know how they got these actors to join in but it's a whole lot of fun. Malkovich plays a self centered boss of Labeouf's character, sure he's a static character but he's so funny. It's really too bad that Michael Bay doesn't use these characters and actors to his advantage, it would have made the movie way more interesting to watch. This movie is completely shallow, the story is just plain silly and overdone, and none of the characters are fun to be with, actually everyone is very annoying in this film. Labeouf has also proved why he can't get another acting job because all he can do is yell and scream and blabber on about nothing for 157 minutes. The movie is also overlong, especially when absolutely nothing happens for the last hour of the film. Once that B movie jive ends it all turns to what Bay loves best, complete action, and the effects aren't even that great.
The last hour of the film is a complete waste of time. Sure the first movie had a great combination of government conspiracy, aliens, awesome fights between the autobots and deceptions, but I really didn't care a whole lot of what was happening. Here, Bay, tries make something a little deeper in the film but it doesn't work because he pays more attention to his little boy instincts rather than a seasoned director's instincts. He tries to string together action sequence after action sequence instead of going for plot or character development. The last hour of the film is just straight action, and that is no exaggeration. The camera is so close to it too that we can't even see what's happening with the action. Everything is so poorly shot that it's headache and nausea inducing. Loud machine noises are ringing our ears and buildings are breaking and falling over. This creates a little boy mentality to the film, and it's actually very sad when a film maker picks senseless action over what matters most in a film. Bay wanted to create a masterpiece and what he created was a shallow action film with characters that are so poorly executed and annoying we wish we never knew them. I don't know how some of these actors agreed to do this farce but I'm just glad the Transformers trilogy is finally over, I just hope Bay stays away from the camera for a while because my head hurts just thinking about his next idea.