Anna Paquin stars as Sookie Stackhouse, a nice barmaid who believes in the good of this world during a time where vampires of come out from hiding oh yeah she can read minds too. This is a world where vampires are living with humans and a synthetic blood called True Blood is created to supply the vampires with their means of "living" so they don't have to feed on humans. A vampire walks into Merlotte's bar where Sookie works and this is where the series takes off.
We meet many character's, Tara is a black girl that has a drunk for a mother and thinks everyone on this planet is racist, Jason Stackhouse is Sookie's brother but he's the lesser half of the family as he jumps from girl to girl within the town and is suspected for murder constantly because of his sexual-horn dog nature. Laffoyette is a black-gay gangster who is also a drug dealer as well as a really great friend to Sookie; Sam is the lonely bar owner with a mysterious vibe about him. Sookie seems to be surrounded by characters that are disturbing and frightening but she seems satisfied and seriously believes in the good in all of these characters. Then Bill walks into the bar, he's a vampire, and Sookie can't read his mind, the connection these two have is stunning. Twilight can learn a lot about chemistry between these two characters and how they actually have an emotional connecting. When she walks into the bar and sits next to him; this whole scene is stunning as the emotion blazes off of the screen, the acting is amazing. Bill also shows a side to a vampire that is complex and a hint of human and Sookie believes in the good of Bill rather than the fact that he is a blood sucking vampire.
Now this show gets pretty weird as it runs down some rabbit trails like possession and excorsism and redemption from the darkest of places. This show show's a pretty bleak and dark side to humanity but it's all seen through the eyes of optimism that is Sookie. Now the reason why this show only has Three Stars is because of the sexual content of the show; if you watch this show you will see your fair share of sex and nudity. As we see Jason diddly daddling through the town's girls for the first few episodes we get to see the disturbing side of his sexual antics. This is the only bad side of the show; the sexuality is pretty graphic and random but it ends near the middle of the season.
Overall; this is a funny-biting satire of humanity and how we live with each other, then they throw vampires into the mix. There are twists that are totally unpredictable, and moments that will have you saying "is this really happening?" This show has a personality that not everyone will like, but the romance is beautifully done. This is a scary show with moments of true fear and truly disturbed moments that only the greatest horror movies possess. This is the best portrayal of vampires I have seen in a long time. "Let the right one in" was the last and to have both of these forces of entertainment to come out around the same time is a blessing the the world. This is a twisted, disturbing, social commentary on humanity that will keep you guessing and leave you wanting for another bite. You've never seen anything like it.