As you read the title; you notice that this movie has no stars and yes there is a reason for that. I'm not going to critique this movie because I finished watching this; I had so many emotions running through me. I'm a christian, I know that God is real, I know that Jesus is real, and I know that the bible is the word of God and it is truth.
"Whoever welcomes a little child welcomes me(Jesus). But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large milstone tied around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea" Matthew 18:5-6
This verse is dubbed "The Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven" Kids are valued by the God I worship.
Watching this film was so hard. I do think this film is very important because it exposes child abuse and how easy it is to get carried away really fast; I think people should watch it and learn from it. I'm glad the lady who was guilty of this died. She was selfish, inconsiderate, and she playfully tortured and killed an innocent girl.
I think God has given me a righteous anger because I love kids and watching someone playfully destroy one just isn't my type of thing. I hope she's in hell. Sorry God, I know I'm judgemental, please forgive me. How can people be so evil? Not only was she violent but she facilitated violence towards an innocent girl and encouraged her kids and others to "punish her" so not only did she ruin one life (literally) but she ruined a whole slough of lives. These kids never recovered; one even died of lung cancer at 21 because she got him into smoking.
Let's watch this and learn and never forget Sylvia's story. I will never watch this film again; but I will always fight child abuse and abusers because of her.
I have a righteous anger brewing inside of me.