Monday, June 1, 2009

Brent Peterson.

Hey guys, well here on movietime I wanted to take a break from reviewing films and pay attention to a certain need that has risen, a boy named Brent Peterson. He was in a car accident with his family and lost his sister and is battling through internal injuries and such, he had is 29th surgery yesterday and his undergoing continous surgeries and recoveries.

Just want to spread the word that we need to pray for Brent and his family as they are going through this time of trouble. Please pray for comfort and trust in the Lord has this family is continually relying on God's strength. Just to let you guys know prayer is a huge focus in our christian faith; prayer is easy and God hears our prayers. Please if you have a prayer post it to this blog or my facebook or send me an email at and I will forward the prayers to his family. Please even if you don't know who these people are send a prayer, they will be very encouraged.

Lets listen. Obey. and let the word of God empower us.
Phone: 778-996-3262