When director Roland Emmerich first read about the mayan's stopping their calendar in the year of 2012 I could imagine that it was like christmas for him; predictions of the world ending in this year have just risen and what an excellent way to make the grandest of all disaster movies. Roland Emmerich has a knack for blowing the world up but not a knack for film making and it really doesn't get any better with this picture but there are a few surprises in 2012 that made it a bit of a fun experience.
This movie cannot be taken seriously; when you have Danny Glover playing the president and Woody Harrelson playing a crazy bush wacker that can't wait for the world to blow, you know this is a special movie. There is a sense of the director making this movie so utterly ridiculous just to have fun and this makes this movie fun, even the director didn't take this seriously, well I hope he didn't. This story is just ridiculous, it's laughable crap, but it's a ton of fun. The special effects are awesome and the sequence when John Cusack is driving his limo through a falling building is just awesome; the action in this film is sweet, I recommend seeing this movie in the theatre otherwise it could be lame.
This movie proves that there are only two good actors on staff in this cast, John Cusack and Woody Harrelson, and this movie also proves that Amanda Peet cannot act if her life depended on it. The acting is stereotypical and static; these characters are just there so the special effects can be showcased. These special effects are wonderful; it's big, loud and epic as this movie shows that the earth can look good when destroying itself.
Overall this movie isn't the greatest tool in the shed; it's like that really annoying kid that shows up to the party but everyone likes him around because he constantly makes a fool out of himself. This is what 2012 is; it's annoying, dumb, loud and obnoxious but what makes it fun is that it embraces all of these attributes and runs with it to the fullest degree, plus the special effects are awesome. Don't expect much from this junk pile.