This movie was so bad I don't even know where to begin and this review won't be too long; I won't want to wast my time on this movie any more. The story was totally non-existent and if it was it was so poorly told; I didn't know what was going on at all. The action was just so poorly filmed I couldn't even see what was going on; what looked like it could be cool wasn't because the filming was so poor. The special effects were brutal as well. I've never seen special effects that were this bad; it looked so horrible everytime the action was taking place I couldn't even watch because I was so embarrassed of the special effects. The writing was stupid too, nothing smart being said here, and the acting was just so so poor; like watching an amateur film at a cheap festival, such a trashy movie. There was nothing redeeming about GI Joe, well actually there was one good thing about this movie:
Sienna Miller; she is very good looking and I love her. Other than this the movie sucked. The biggest piece of crap I've seen all summer long. I was very disappointed. and bored.