Well we watched the first Matrix and we couldn't help but put in the second Matrix right afterwards and I have to say that I absolutely love this movie. Basically the first movie opened this brand new world up to us now in this movie we really get to see a lot more of the Matrix and know it a little deeper than before; its like saying to a kid "here's the candy shop; now run free and do what you want" and The Matrix Reloaded does a good job of having fun.
Some of the most spectacular action sequences I have ever seen on film are in this movie, everything from a bunch of Smith's fighting Neo, to a Twenty-minute long car chase, to fighting on top of trucks, to jumping out of windows and shooting an Agent while falling, and even a flying Neo. This movie has it all and yes it breaks new special effects grounds while doing so. But the action isn't the only thing going well for this movie the story is also top notch as well.
The Matrix Reloaded is a true sequel where it respects what the first one achieved and tries to go deeper into that; we have hints of themes that stretch so deeply and intricately that you'll find something new every time you watch this one. The brainpower is here in full shape; just like the first one, and it just keeps going and going. At the end of this movie you sit there and try and decipher the theories this movie dishes out. They stick with you and make you chew on them and that is why this movie is so brilliant, not only is there extraordinary eye candy but you actually feel apart of the story because you get involved intellectually. The writing is top-notch as well giving awesome dialogue. Again the only downside to this movie is the acting. But like the first one, acting is only a little factor to this colossal masterpiece. One of the best sequels I have ever seen.