This movie reminds me of a classic old style noir film with a soundtrack that Dick Tracy could use and a look that's so awesome and classy. In this film JCVD plays himself in a documentary style picture about himself and a day in Brussels that will inevitably change his life. He gets held up in a middle of a bank robbery and gets blamed for it because he's at the end of his rope; he's losing his daughter, can't pay his lawyers; why wouldn't he rob a bank? But soon the audience finds out that he is a victim in the robbery with these three guys holding up the bank, and of course they are fans of JCVD. This movie is so original and it works not because of the film making but because of Jean-Claude's sincere performance. He's not really acting because he's playing himself; but he gives a performance that is full of heart and this is what makes JCVD work.
The Story is simple; bank heist, that comes to a thrilling climax, but in the middle of that we take part in a bit of Jean-Claude's life. We don't see a tough fighter but we see a struggling human being trying to get his family back and we see a man that simply wishes he took a different life.
This movie is a gracefull depiction of the man we loved because of his garbage movies and awesome fighting but this movie isn't loud or obnoxious like his old ones. This one is brilliantly and originally made; with a heart of gold and man telling the world that he want's a second chance and a man who loves where he came from. We get a shot of JCVD's heart and we see the man of steele not as a cry baby but as a real human trying to fix his life so that he can finally enjoy it. The ending is so ironic too; the place that gave him a second chance is jail; where he gets to spend time visiting with his daughter and he teaches guys how to fight, we see a man full of heart and grace. This movie is brilliant and sensitive and true fans of JCVD will cherish this film, I cherish it and I hate the man's movies, not anymore.