This movie is little, low budget, and all about the characters and how they will make the most important decision of their lives: who do I trust? This is one of the best crime movies made; yes I would even say that this movie if not succeeds it, but is at the same level as The Godfather. This is a form of filmaking that no one had ever seen before and no one has duplicated this very special vision that Tarantino has unleashed. This movie makes the plot totally irrelevant by showing you the middle first, then the beginning, then flashback, then a bit of the end, then the very beginning, then the very end, and as this is happening the story is told so well and the direction is so perfect that we know what's going on the entire time.
The acting is very good in this movie, featuring a cast of Tim Roth, Michael Madsen, Harvey Keitel, Tarantino, Steve Buscemi and many more, this cast is so much fun and simply a blast to watch. But when the acting is top notch there is another aspect that simply will help any movie succeed, writing, and not just how the writing is good but the writing in this movie is absolutely brilliant, Tarantino as a scribe has a rythym to his script and the language is pop culture language as well and many complain about swearing in his movies but Tarantino uses this way of speaking to comment on how people swear a lot. This is simply a comment on society and he simply has hit the mark on this topic spot on, absolutely brilliant. Seeing this movie play out is a joy everytime as you'll laugh, and take part in some very intense drama, and just laugh at some really different characters.
Well this outing by Tarantino is bold and new and something that no one has ever seen. This film has some classic lines and scenes in it and contains a story that is so simple but with the direction and flair makes it so much fun to watch. This was the start of something special as Tarantino was introduced to America and simply put, America will never be the same again. This is a classic.