The movie opens with the two lovers meeting for the first time at a theatre convention. Frank (Dicaprio) looks over and see's April (Winslet) sitting at a bar smoking a cigarette; they play eye games. As this happens music from the time period of the 50's blasts and all this reminds me of is classic hollywood. It reminds me of an era where hollywood was classy, not sleazy, and where glamour truly existed. Winslet looks utterly glamourous in this scene and it's a sweet opening to a very dark film. We learn about Frank's dream to go back to Paris and we hear of April's dream to become part of a theatre group and become a great actress. The very next scene show's Frank and April married after a few years; at a very low budget production showing how April really can't act. Her dream is crushed and we soon learn that his is too; they have kids and its nearly impossible to move across the ocean with those. Then we see absolute boredom.
We see a struggle in this film between two people who love each other but life's struggles and boredom get the better of them. Frank becomes so bored with his job and feels like a failure because of his dream that he let go and April she's right through the fake reality that everybody sees in suburbia. She can't stand her friends and she hates the way she lives. This affects their marriage greatly and we see a struggle between two people who once loved each other. It's a sad reality but a beautiful movie in regards to how these two try to strive for the best. They end up planning on heading to Europe and they are so happy and excited but something happens that keeps them grounded.
This movie is so beautifully made; it's very simple but very powerful and I loved it. It makes the 50's look glamourous but disturbing and dull and seeing these two in a grown up love story is amazing. Two of my favourite actors doing what they do best; the acting is brilliant, directing uncanny and the vision unmatched. This is a bold little movie that is very powerful and very sad and it shows us a glimpse of what Suburbia Hell is really like. A very excellent film.