Thursday, May 28, 2009

Twilight: Like, he's so hot, like, and amazing! *

Well this was one of the biggest movies of the year and it was one of the most successful movies so far at the box office this year so that means that it has to be a good movie right? Well this isn't always the case; in fact sometimes the highest grossing movies are sometimes the worst movies of the year. This is possibly one of the worst movies of the year.

In Twilight we have a story about a regular girl who's grown up in the city but goes to visit her Dad in a small rural town just off of the coast near Seattle but what ends up happening is there is more than just unruly kids; there are bloodsucking demons also known as Vampires. Now it sounds like a cool and credible story right? but the execution is what makes this movie absolutely horrible. Robert Pattinson and Kristin Stewart play the star-crossed lovers and their acting sinks this movie to new lows. Pattinson sounds like he's always constipated and trying to poo and Stewart acts like she's always stoned after a long session of smoking and it doesn't help when they aren't saying very intelligent things either.

The writing in this movie is atrocious; everytime the characters talk I just want to hold my head in shame as they dish out corny pre-teen love lines one after another and its interesting because they picked a woman director to pay attention the emotional development of the characters but that never ever happens in the movie. There is no attraction between the main characters; its like watching two people dance for the first time at their arranged marriage, it looks forced and the actors act forced as well. Watching this movie is like listening to a pre-teen girl rant on about a famous hot guy she likes.

The Story isn't much better than the writing and incorporating Vampires is a cool idea but before you do that make sure you know what your writing about please. First off vampires can't even go out during the day because the sun's rays will BURN them up; they don't make them GLISTEN, they make vampires BURN ALIVE. Second vampires can't fly. sorry. but they can't. This movie made vampires look stupid and that doesn't make me very happy. Having vampires play a baseball game for an entire 20 mins is just the dumbest thing I've ever seen in any movie. There is no intellectual character development in the writing or acting and these characters just stay static throughout the entire film; I never cared about their live or them throughout the entire film.

The special effects in this movie aren't great either; actually its like watching a TV show, its pretty bad. This makes the action look hokey and stupid; all I can do is laugh when I see it. There is an ending sequence thats actually decent, with a solid fighting scene, it wasn't half bad but once the two main actors started confessing their love for each other it was horrible, once again.

Overall this movie isn't good at all; the story is hokey and stupid, the acting is atrocious with writing that doesn't make it any better, the special effects are under par and look ridiculous, and this movie makes vampires look stupid, this isn't even a proper vampire movie at all, I can see why this movie made loads of money, Pattinson and Stewart are easy to look at and you can shut off your brain and still have a good time, sad. This is just a bad movie all around.

Angels and Demons: Pass the holy water please. ***

Well here's a little movie that kinda snuck in with the big spring rush as it came right inbetween Star Trek and Terminator Salvation and Its a good little film that won't disappoint.

Tom Hanks returns as Professor Langdon, a man who despises religion and who writes to exploit the horrible side of religion, and it deals mostly with the catholic side of christianity. But the Vatican has another problem and yet they come to the aid of Langdon once again. This is where this movie starts; we are introduced to the Vatican police and a young priest who's hoping to become the Pope one day.

Well the first Pope is dead and now a re-election gets underway but the men who are nominated go missing and they are being held hostage by a powerful group who has always been at war with the church because their science didn't match up with religious beliefs. But now this case may be the key to understanding how science and religion fit in with each other. This is an action, conspiracy thriller from Ron Howard and conveys the story in the best way posssible.

The story is great and well thought out as a murder mystery type deal its almost like watching a new day Sherlock Holmes flick as we take a ride with Langdon. There are a couple of times when the story becomes ludicrous but it can get away with it; and as the plot unravels there are plot twists that are unseen and are fun. This movie isn't all fun and games though; as some parts are just deathly boring and hard to get through but once you get through them it pays off in the end. The ending just baffled me and I really enjoyed as everything tied together. Another thing is that this movie's focuse jumps back and forth between the character's beliefs and the beliefs of those around them and then the beliefs of the audience, so it seemed a bit crazy and hectic at times but it still worked.

The acting was okay, Tom Hanks again has to work with one of the worst developed characters ever written, but he showed some slight developement regarding religion and such, and Ewan's supporting role was fantastic, what a great breathe of fresh air he was. Another thing I liked about this movie was the reverance it had for both sides: science and religion. In Davinci Code there was no respect for Christianity and Christ was mocked and such but in this movie there was a great reverance and respect for religion and I really appreciated that and in the end there is a conclusion that religion and science not only can coincide but they go together nicely.

Overall this movie was a great watch, everything was good, nothing spectacular, but at the end of this one you'll be satisfied as the ending and other elements make this a good watch, but its not a terribly fun watch. The Direction is scattered a little in the middle but it wraps up nicely in the end and Ewan Macgregor's performance steals the show. This is a great little movie.

Star Trek: Lets have a grand ol' time in space. ****

Well this movie was THE movie to see if the spring time as many people were hoping for the ultimate best from this movie and for many "Trekkies" this was a scary addition to the Star Trek franchise but it was a nescessary one at that.

I personally am not a Star Trek fan simply because everytime I watched a show or episode of it; it just seemed really boring with cheesy effects and nothing exciting ever happened. As soon as I saw this trailer though I knew that this was going to be different and I was a little upset because I knew that this movie could very well get me into liking Star Trek and it very well might. This movie was fantastic, everything from the casting, to the plot, to the effects, to the emotional elements, to the action, everything was stellar and put together nicely.

I think what really boosted this movie up the most was the acting and the way these beloved characters were portrayed. Zachary Quinto did an amazing job portraying "Spock" as I actually felt for his character and connected with him on many levels and I think there couldn't have been a better actor for this role. Chris Pine played "Kirk" and to me Pine's job was the hardest because Kirk is a beloved character and central character and following up the very charismatic William Shatner is always hard but Pine did it with flying colors. His bad boy presence was well felt through the entire movie and the clash between him and Spoc was great but what was even better was seeing that development into where they are fond of each other, both actors executed this perfectly. The supporting cast was great too and I felt having "Scotty" being portrayed by Simon Pegg was an excellent choice. The weakest link for the actors I felt was "Chekov" who was played by Anton Yelchin he just seemed a little out of place, but had some great humour. Having Eric Bana as the villian was absolutely amazing as well but I thought they could've done a little more with his character, but what they did with him, and what Bana achieved with it was great already.

The Story for this movie was fantastic; it was easy to follow even though the time warp could've been confusing but it was simple yet cool and really intiated a new beginning for the Star Trek franchise. They paid respects to classic Star Trek as well by implying some "Trekkie" jokes and such so old fans of the series had a little to be a part of as well. But this story was still science fiction but not too much so that a new generation can enjoy this franchise which I think was important for this almost dying franchise.

The Special effects were fantastic; the len's flares were a little much but instilled a cool effect, and the look and feel of the movie was just spot on. The action was awesome too filled with big monster fights, to fencing, to brute laser fights, it was just a fantastic movie to watch filled with bright colors and the set for the new enterprise was really cool and futuristic.

Overall this movie has a lot to offer, it has fantastic action, funny and relevant humour as well as old "Trekkie" humour, state of the art special effects, a riveting story, and great character development, this movie is a great summer flick. This is probably the most fun you'll have at the theaters this summer, but as I watched it, a little part of me wanted darth vader to appear with a light saber, Oh well.

Terminator Salvation: Salvation is not the right word for this. **

Terminator Salvation Must've been a movie that the studio was just wanting to get out as soon as they could. With a director with a knack for making crowd pleasing films (Making Cameron Diaz dancing in panties in Charlie's Angels) and this is why fans of this series cringed at the first sight of this movie. I cringed; but as trailers came out this movie looked like it had promise so now did it live up to the hype of Terminator? or does it simply miss the mark? I would say neither.

Basically this movie has next to no story; or it doesn't have a story we don't already know as an audience. If you've seen the trailer then you know the story, and what happens, and such. This movie is a debriefing on how it happens and why it happens. The acting in this movie is cardboard; when the actors spew their lines I continually mistaked them to be robots themselves. I didn't care about anything that was going on. The Story was lacking big time as well. They started the movie after the "Hell Fire" and they told the story of Connor finding Kyle Reese and Saving him. That is the entire story, there are no plot twists (that we haven't seen because of the trailers), no character development, and no connecting the characters with the audience, just lots of big bangs, guns and pretty ladies. This movie is a crowd pleaser, it doesn't care about its content, it just cares if it looks good for the general population.

Now there are some good things in this movie that save it from completely heading for a nose dive. The action is amazing; great stunts and great set pieces and excellent camera work around the action sequences. MCG uses engaging angles and rolling camera shots to help engage the audience into the action. The explosions in this movie are massive as well; everything action action wise in this movie is huge and well put together. But it seems like this movie was written, acted, and made around the action. I feel like the writers thought out these huge action sequences then wrote the script around that, I feel like this movie is scared to breathe its own breathe because it doesn't want to displease the general population so it resorts to cheap action tricks.

Overall this movie wasn't very good; it was okay, passable. It didn't introduce anything new and exciting into the series, the characters were driven like drones, and we really didn't care about anything at all as an audience. I feel like I've already seen this movie and I'm upset that they never expanded on what I saw in the trailers; but the action was good, but not good enough for me to see this movie again. When the credits started rolling I sighed and said "It could've been worse but oh well," this movie is its own within the series and that is what saves it. The fact that its a totally new look and refreshing "story" and such is the reason why this movie isn't a huge flop; but its because of this that it isn't a Terminator installment. Please if you they do make a new; please write an engaging and intelligent story!! If you don't know how to do that just watch Terminator 2. Thanks.

A passable, popcorn, action flick, no more, no less.