Well I've been waiting to see this movie for a very long time and I had the pleasure of finally watching it the other day. I was excited for this one simply because of the leads that were in it; we have Paul Rudd who has played some great roles alongside the Judd Apatow vehicle and the same is with Jason Segel so I went into this movie hoping for greatness.
The Premise is so simple, sweet, and simple. We engage with two characters who have fallen in love and Peter has just proposed to his girlfriend, now the marriage isn't the problem in this movie but the problem is that Peter doesn't have any guy friends, therefore he will be without a best man on his wedding day. See Peter's character is so hilarious and Paul Rudd plays him absolutely perfectly, everything he said was hilarious, his little quirks were fantastic, if this movie didn't have a plot I could just sit there and watch this character live out his life, it's because of Rudd that this movie truly succeeds.
This movie is riddled with cliches that you're typical rom com would have but it's done in fresh ways that makes this an enjoyable flick. Segel's character is another purely opposite yet funny twist in this movie, when he's introduced there is a sign of fresh air, something new to laugh at and when these two ridiculous characters get together who knows whats going to happen? lets just say the fiance doesn't stand a chance.
Overall this movie is purely enjoyable fluff, lets chill with the dudes, or with your girl and have a great time at the movies, this is that movie. Yes there's a little bit of raunch in it but just enough to satisfy that type of movie goer, I call this the water downed version of a Knocked up or 40 year old virgin, but the performances make it a charming little flick, this is simply a good time.