We are introduced to Nick (Michael Cera) Who is an awkward teenager madly in love with a girl who recently dumped him. He loves her so much that he makes mix cd's for her still and she simply chucks them out and another girl named Norah (Kat Dennings) Picks them up and listens to them weekly; she has the same music taste as some dump lonesome dude she's never met. Now this movie doesn't really have all that much of a plot and you can guess what's going to take place in this movie but what is unpredictable and spontaneous is how the characters develop and get there. Now don't get me wrong the acting in this movie is sub-par, the writing is hip but flawed, and its generally predictable but what saves this movie is the quirky characters and how brilliantly directed they are through this fun little adventure.
This movie has really no plot in it; there are no huge twists that reveal hidden agendas and there's no development what so ever so the plot is really non-existent. The acting is okay but the attention to the characters is very evident. I feel that these young actors didn't really shoot for believability but they were shooting for really just bringing these weird characters to the screen in a presentable way that people would feel affection for by the end. These characters are really original; even Cera's character is a little different from his other movies and when he isn't different he's just plain funny. This method of acting generally doesn't work or win awards but this movie pulls it off because of the quirky writing and impeccable directing.
This film has incredible direction and when its watched it doesn't feel like this movie is going anywhere but its fun to stick around and she it land in home base even when we know where its going to land. See its a predictable movie but its so believable and charming that we really don't care if we can see things coming; it just makes us feel good. The director put just the right touch on this movie that its not over-the-top; but its not overly subtle either, it has its own weird feel and thats what makes this movie special, the originality.
Well overall this movie is just fluff and people won't learn anything new or be affected to much by whats going on here but if you're looking for a good time to relax, laugh a little, and fall in love then this is the perfect feel good movie that has interesting and daring gags and a quirky sense of humour filled with a stellar indie soundtrack. This is the Teen version of Alice and Wonderland that fills us with wonder and magic. When the last scene arrives and the titles so up on the screen with a bustling New York city in the background and the last note is played in the final song; its a little like movie magic, its satisfying and poignant without making the audience feel daring. This is a comfortable watch. Over and over again.