Well lets get the story out of the way first; this idea is a very cool and imaginative idea and its done in a new and fresh way. The beginning is amazing because it starts off by just showing different parts of this dark cave and a man covered in mud; it's a rebirth in a sense and it's cold, eerie and disgusting. As this beginning rolls on all I was thinking was "what the heck is the movie about" and I was filled with curiousity but soon that curiousity dimmed away and all that was left was complete confusion. I don't know what happened but stuff started happening; monsters came out of nowhere, crazy dudes in suits started showing up and telling people about plants, and a random elevator ride with a guy wishing that he could rape some girl occured. This movie made no sense. The ending climax had nothing to do with anything and as the credits hit the screen I was so confused that I didn't want to give this movie a fighting chance.
The camera work in this movie is so amateur; I see that they were trying to be gritty and edgy but seriously when you can't see whats happening and wondering if what you see is a monster or a rock it's bad filmaking. The execution of this movie seemed so rushed and amateurish that really itls not a fun movie to watch. The special effects at the end aren't great either making the ending really all that more stupid.
The acting in this movie sucks. Wow. Please I don't even know what else to write; the script was so cheesy and there was barely any dialogue and when there was I shook my head in distress. What a terrible acting job.
Overall this movie had an interesting idea; but the execution of that idea wasn't great at all, it plays like a loud video game with no meat to the story and just utter confusion with what's going on. I still have no idea how the ending related to this movie, what the heck was going on? I still don't know that's why I'll never watch this stupid movie again.