No one can take this movie seriously, okay, when you're going to go and watch a movie based on a hasbro toy about action figures that Transform are you really expecting an oscar laden movie filled with poignant filmaking and great acting? I went to this movie to just see tons of action and I got my wish. The movie begins with an action sequence that's ten times bigger than the finale of the last movie, yeah, it was huge! During the entire sequence I had a huge smile on my face and autobots dismantled the decepticons with robots flipping over stuff; to cars splitting in half, to Optimus destroying the Devastator, it was sweet. There were some things that I really didn't like about this movie though.
Now most people are gonna think I'm going to rip this movie apart because of it's garbage acting, stupid plot, silly characters, and no development but I really didn't care about that stuff with this movie, this is simply a popcorn action flick to keep us entertained during these summer months and it does just that but it sinks to a new low with it's adolescent humour. Hasbro made Transformers for kids so the first movie was appropriate for kids (barely) but this movie really isn't and I was really upset by that because Kids love these movies too. The college scenes featured half naked girls that are only trying to have sex all the time; come on Michael Bay are you really that perverted? Almost every robot too said something in-appropiate if it was a little monster truck calling Megan Fox a b**** multiple times and robots saying A**H*** multiple times; to see these robots saying that really sucked. I don't think I've seen so many ball jokes and humping jokes in my life either; continually the dogs that the Witwicky's own are humping each other and they even give a robot Testacles? What the crap is Bay thinking? It felt like these jokes were generated by my Grade 8 buddies from high school.
Another thing that I was upset about was flaunting Megan Fox like a piece of meat to a horde of horny boys showing off her in her panties and a slow motion run where her breasts are flopping around slowly; Michael Bay really is using this sex symbol in a movie that really doesn't need that especially if kids are going to be watching. Watching Fox trying to spurt out her lines is brutal too, her acting is horendous and she sounds like she's hung over all the time. Now I'll give praise to Shia Labeouf because he did a fantastic job in this movie; showing emotion and great control over his humour in this movie, he really shined and I think he's a great action star, keep them coming Shia. This movie also felt a little dragged on as the running time of this one almost hits three hours. There are times when you can feel the director stalling with stupid jokes or plot filler; seriously please just give me some more sweet action.
Overall this movie was great; the action was unbelievable and everytime I saw these robots fighting or Transforming or just simply saw them I had a huge smile on my face. The movie was funny throwing out cheap gags that are inappropriate generally; total boy humour I guess but giving a robot some junk was a bit too far. Shia was hilarious while Fox had way too much make up on; put on some clothes! This movie lived up to the hype of being an action movie without brains, again and the action it dishes is simply awesome. I left the theater satisfied but don't forget that all I was expecting was a whole lot of blowing up.