Friday, July 31, 2009

Funny People: sit back, relax, let's laugh about death...****

Well, Judd Apatow, director of two very successful and very funny movies delivers his third venture and let me tell you, I've been waiting for this day to come. When I was in the theatre waiting for the movie to start; I had such a smile on my face and I couldn't wait to see Sandler and Rogen together. When the movie started rolling, I got something a little different, something a little more than my expectations. Yes, I was in comedy heaven and yes this is still Apatow's good ol' raunchy comedy but this movie has a couple of lessons that it's at least trying to teach.

The acting in this movie is great; all of these comedians together PLUS the random celebrity cameos really filled me with joy. This movie was so relaxing to watch even when dealing with issues such as divorce, love, and death but when this movie comes across these issues it really does take them seriously. These actors are so real; they feel like friends or distant relatives, they have problems, they have sick humour, they also think through life from time to time; these characters are so absorbing and fresh that we can simply connect with them. Sandler's character though is simply a treat. A comedian loved by the world but still cannot find the satisfaction in his personal life; a man with a talent but with really nothing to show for in his life and his quest to find that satisfaction. This movie really made me appreciate my friends and my family; it reminded me of the people who love me and why family is so very important because George Simmon's is so far away from all of these people in his life and he's miserable. What a valuable lesson.

This movie is ambitious and it's full of candid moments that are acted so well and at times so outrageously; Eric Bana was simply hilarious and Adam Sandler was so perfect for this role. Yes the movie is flawed, the ending leads them right back where they started, nothing is really solved, but it's a great ride with plenty of laughs. I laughed so hard. This is a very different movie from Apatow it's grown up; dealing with major issues but after dealing with them it makes you laugh pretty hard. This is a very ambitious film that hits the mark in some places but misses and other's. If you can stomach the raunchfest; this may be the perfect summer movie event for you, it's a relaxing movie that will make you glimpse into people that have problems just like you and me, they just make jokes about them.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Watchmen: Who's gonna save us now? ****

As I went to this movie I had no idea what to expect; I read a couple of reviews online and this movie seemed like it was gonna be an ultra pornographic romp-house sudo-masochist bdsm film. It wasn't. Yeah there's some nudity, a sex scene that is totally pointless, and you'll see a giant blue penis, but seriously grow up. This is probably the best movie I've seen all year so far; and it's also a brilliant study of why we created these people called superhero's. But it is also very bleak and a very dark look at humanity that at times seems hopeless; this is not everyone's cup of tea. By the way Titanic had more nudity than this flick.

Watchmen takes place in 1985 and Nixon is in his fifth term, yes Nixon, you read it correctly; what if America won in Vietnam? what if Nixon didn't screw up? This is what kind of world the Watchmen live in. Now all of these superheroes have no superpowers but they are heroes with masks that beat people up and have fun doing that; that was until Nixon told them that it was illegal to be a masked vigilante. So now the Watchmen are no more and the only one with superpowers, Dr. Mannhattan, is developing his own super weapon. Now Dr. Mannhattan can do anything, he's can manipulate matter and create stuff out of it, so he is compared to God. This movie touches upon how the human race is a disease and how we don't deserve to be saved but many times these characters touch upon how God really does care about us; and others say that God is long gone. So these superheroes take matters into their own hands as Russia is believed to be nuking the U.S. at anytime.

Watchmen is all about how these hero's are tainted, the comedian is the worst of all of them; he's done everything wrong in his life, killed pregnant ladies, killed innocent people, raped woman and hits on his daughter and he's supposed to be the funny one. So why do we idolize this "hero"? Because America is exactly like him well that's what the comedian says; this the comment on american culture and society and the comedian dies at the beginning; so is this culture really just gonna kill itself? This is a brilliant depiction of our north american life and a scary one at that.

Well this movie has an excellent plot that comments on theology, philosophical issues, and why we created tainted superheroes just like the Greek gods in a sense. This movie is our mythology for a new generation but at a simple surface level Watchmen is a fun adult superhero extravganza filled with amazing imagery and brutal content in a sense some of this movie would be considered a horror movie. I also love this movie because there isn't a movie like this that has ever hit cinema and it's so brilliantly complex that everytime I watch this movie I get something new out of it. This is a brilliant film filled with fun characters and disturbing themes that will make you think about how we live our lives. And it's a different America that we've never seen on film before.

Who's watching the Watchmen? Umm..well I'll be glad to. Best film of the year. So far.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Pineapple Express: A huge blockbuster comedy. ***

Seth Rogen and the boys are back in action for their latest installment of ridiculous over the top comedies and this one is a stoner-dy. Okay I'm sorry that wasn't cool but this movie is pretty cool and it's a whole lot of fun as well. The idea is ridiculous and the only guys that could really pull this off were the ones that were in this film so hats off to them.

The movie opens with Seth's character driving down the street smokin' a joint serving people and not in the nice kind of way; he gets sworn at, yelled at, threatened and well it's all in a days work. We then learn that he's dating a highschool girl and that he is a complete loser that sits and smokes weed all day but all that changes when he witnesses someone getting shot in the head in a mob boss' house. Him and his drug dealer (franco) pursue on a thrill ride of a lifetime and learn some valuable lessons along the way; like selling weed to minors is bad, even smoking it is bad, and just thinking about your dreams won't make them happen. This is possibly the cleanest Rogen movie that has come out which is always a plus but that doesn't mean there isn't swearing because there is still here and there.

This movie has no brain power; it just works off of hilarious gags that run over and over again and each time they do they get more and more ridiculous and this is funny. When you have James Franco's character getting is foot stuck in a windsheild while being chased by a crazy girl cop and flying through the air and screaming isn't funny enough then how about Gary Cole purple nurpling Seth Rogen in the middle of a giant weed factory? If these stupidly hilarious gags make you laugh then you will love this movie and aside from the laughs the action is very good too.

Overall this movie isn't an oscar worthy movie but it is tons of fun. The humour is top notch where as the zany characters make this a joyous and pleansant movie experience that won't challenge your brain a whole lot; I just had a blast hanging out with these guys, this movie is hilarious.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Revolutionary Road: Suburbia Hell ****

When I first watched the Trailer for this movie; I was so excited because well an amazing filmaker with ttwo of the best Actors around, how could you not be excited? Well sadly I wasn't able to see this movie in theatre but now I've finally got around to seeing it. All I have to say is that I think Kate Winslet is my favourite actress around these days.

The movie opens with the two lovers meeting for the first time at a theatre convention. Frank (Dicaprio) looks over and see's April (Winslet) sitting at a bar smoking a cigarette; they play eye games. As this happens music from the time period of the 50's blasts and all this reminds me of is classic hollywood. It reminds me of an era where hollywood was classy, not sleazy, and where glamour truly existed. Winslet looks utterly glamourous in this scene and it's a sweet opening to a very dark film. We learn about Frank's dream to go back to Paris and we hear of April's dream to become part of a theatre group and become a great actress. The very next scene show's Frank and April married after a few years; at a very low budget production showing how April really can't act. Her dream is crushed and we soon learn that his is too; they have kids and its nearly impossible to move across the ocean with those. Then we see absolute boredom.

We see a struggle in this film between two people who love each other but life's struggles and boredom get the better of them. Frank becomes so bored with his job and feels like a failure because of his dream that he let go and April she's right through the fake reality that everybody sees in suburbia. She can't stand her friends and she hates the way she lives. This affects their marriage greatly and we see a struggle between two people who once loved each other. It's a sad reality but a beautiful movie in regards to how these two try to strive for the best. They end up planning on heading to Europe and they are so happy and excited but something happens that keeps them grounded.

This movie is so beautifully made; it's very simple but very powerful and I loved it. It makes the 50's look glamourous but disturbing and dull and seeing these two in a grown up love story is amazing. Two of my favourite actors doing what they do best; the acting is brilliant, directing uncanny and the vision unmatched. This is a bold little movie that is very powerful and very sad and it shows us a glimpse of what Suburbia Hell is really like. A very excellent film.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

JCVD: Humanity with muscles ****

Jean Claude Van Damme isn't taken very seriously these days with laugable films like Street Fighter, Blood Sport, and the horrendous Desert Heart this guy is one horrible actor. All he can do is fight his way into your heart; all of his films are unintelligent and obnoxious, until this one. This one is very different, it seems a bit desperate at first, but watching it unfold is something special.

This movie reminds me of a classic old style noir film with a soundtrack that Dick Tracy could use and a look that's so awesome and classy. In this film JCVD plays himself in a documentary style picture about himself and a day in Brussels that will inevitably change his life. He gets held up in a middle of a bank robbery and gets blamed for it because he's at the end of his rope; he's losing his daughter, can't pay his lawyers; why wouldn't he rob a bank? But soon the audience finds out that he is a victim in the robbery with these three guys holding up the bank, and of course they are fans of JCVD. This movie is so original and it works not because of the film making but because of Jean-Claude's sincere performance. He's not really acting because he's playing himself; but he gives a performance that is full of heart and this is what makes JCVD work.

The Story is simple; bank heist, that comes to a thrilling climax, but in the middle of that we take part in a bit of Jean-Claude's life. We don't see a tough fighter but we see a struggling human being trying to get his family back and we see a man that simply wishes he took a different life.

This movie is a gracefull depiction of the man we loved because of his garbage movies and awesome fighting but this movie isn't loud or obnoxious like his old ones. This one is brilliantly and originally made; with a heart of gold and man telling the world that he want's a second chance and a man who loves where he came from. We get a shot of JCVD's heart and we see the man of steele not as a cry baby but as a real human trying to fix his life so that he can finally enjoy it. The ending is so ironic too; the place that gave him a second chance is jail; where he gets to spend time visiting with his daughter and he teaches guys how to fight, we see a man full of heart and grace. This movie is brilliant and sensitive and true fans of JCVD will cherish this film, I cherish it and I hate the man's movies, not anymore.