Monday, February 14, 2011

Wall-E: Love is all around. ****

Disney has always been a driving force behind inspiration. We have all grown up loving our favourite animated friends, some of my favourite include Winnie the Pooh, Timone and Pumba and of course the beautiful Belle and the Beast. Then something special happened, I think the year was '94 and a new company gave us an experience that would revolutionize the way we watch movies. Pixar released Toy Story, the very first full length animated film that used CG animation rather than drawn animation, they also pioneered compelling stories both suitable for adults and children. Now they have created a franchise that is one of the most beloved in the movie world. Pixar seems to hit a home run with every film they churn out and their latest outing is a rather special film.

The power of love is undeniable and here that display is profound and amazing. Wall-E is a story about a robot that has to do the impossible job of cleaning up a garbage filled earth. He puts garbage into his stomach and pumps out cubes of garbage. He is also a collector, keeping everything from bobble heads to an old bra, Wall-E is just curious. Then a space ship lands on earth and this is when the movie gets really special. The majority of this movie has zero dialogue, the only dialogue in the first half of the film are the robotic tones from two robots saying each other's names back and forth. Pixar tries the impossible with this film, let's take the audience and make them believe in the magic of film, this is what Pixar was trying to shoot for. As an audience, we are so comfortable and used to watching dialogue, but when all we see is action and mime, it could swing two ways.

Pixar has studied the art of mime and they have given us a gem to behold. Some people will think this movie is boring and slow moving, especially compared to Pixar's previous films. At the beginning of the movie we are given a world, a world so desolate and lifeless it's almost disturbing. Then we meet Wall-E and Pixar simply reels us into this world that this little robot has lived in. Then he meet's a lovely robot named Eva, and falls in love. That is when this movie soars beyond anything you have ever seen. He goes away from earth and follows Eva into space where humans have driven themselves to the utmost pleasure. This pleasure has driven them all to be obese and lazy and humanity is on the brink of dying. This movie soon turns into a beautiful fable of how two machines have taught humans how to live life again. But, Wall-E just loves Eva, and that is where this movie has it's heart. This movie is profound because it executes it's theme and lovability of this simple robot, it's amazing that we can get so emotional over a silly robot. Pixar has taught us something special, we need to not take our lives for granted because when we give our lives away to the pleasures of the world we can loose sight of what's really important. Love between two people is something very special. This is a romantic outing for Pixar and it's the number one romantic comedy of the year. Sure it has kid humour that will make the kids roar with laughter but what Pixar is doing here is amazing. They are showing us their movies and stories having substance and something more to them, they aren't here to just make simply kids movies. Wall-E is an evolutionary step for Pixar, it's a movie that kids will love but it's also a profound example of what is most important in our lives. This is why stories are so special to humanity.
There is a lot to learn in this movie but what makes this movie truly wonderful is the simple yet beautiful love story between two robots named Eva and Wall-E. Only people with the hardest of hearts will not fall in love with this movie.