Sunday, August 30, 2009

Kill Bill vol 1.: A bloody good show. ****

Quentin Tarantino has a knack for making a lot of people angry with his films because of the violence, suggestive dialogue, and criminal or juvenile things his characters do. Well, he isn't stopping with this one, Kill Bill is probably one of the most stylish films I have ever seen and yes one of the most violent ones too but once again Tarantino has created a world that is superbly crafted and very entertaining, Kill Bill is his fourth film and it's a worthy entry into his forray of movies.

Well the title of this movie says it all; Thurman's character, The Bride, get's killed at her wedding but one thing hinders that from being a possibility, she isn't dead. She's actually very much alive and very angry because her daughter is dead so she's going to seek revenge on the people who did this. Now this plot is super thin and not all that eventful but what makes this movie soar is the style it's done in, Tarantino is making a tribute to all of those kung fu classics that he absolutely loves, and yes he does it in Tarantino style. We get a plot line that's scewered, funny and witty dialogue, and a whole lot of cool kung fu. This movie doesn't slow down for plot development or even character development it's just straight up a cool ride. I think this director is one of the only directors that could get away with making a movie that doesn't develop; this movie is just too much fun.

Tarantino films in a couple of styles throughout this movie, we see an anime sequence that's about twenty minutes long that tells the story of O-ren Ishii (Lucy Lui) and yes it's ultraviolent as well, there's the classic villian just like in the old movies where we never see Bill's face, we hear his voice, see his sword but never see his face. There's the whole film noir piece where The bride is in the hospital and Elle Driver (Darryl Hannah) comes walking down the hallway whistling a really creepy song; we then get a split screen view of the reason why she's at the hospital, simply brilliant. Then we have the epic samurai sequence where we learn how important these swords are in Tarantino's world and then we get to see why they are so important in a classic kung fu ending, Tarantino style. Now when I say Tarantino style I mean this; this sword rips through eighty-eighty bodyguards and we see every bit of it but when the sword cuts someone the blood sprays out like a supersoaker spraying everything in sight. This last sequence is ultraviolent and a brilliant tribute to everything the director loves.

Overall this movie won't change you're life but it's such a fun ride filled with incredible style. We get a classic revenge flick that quotes klingon proverbs and has blood spraying across the screen. At the center of it we have a man who has grown up on kung fu movies and finally has made a tribute to all of them. We get a bloody good show, Tarantino style, with funny dialogue, cool characters and some very deranged characters as well. This movie is a blast for many different reasons and you will be thoroughly entertained. Now if only we could see the second half...

Monday, August 24, 2009

Inglorious Basterds: Cinema doesn't stand a chance. ****

In the month of november of 2008, a good friend sent me a trailer to watch containing a moustached Brad Pitt and of course my favorite director Quentin Tarantino at the helm, let's just say it was an early christmas present. Now it's finally here; I wasn't getting to excited, just in case it wasn't living up to expectations but what I got was something special, something more. Remember that little movie, I think it was called Pulp Fiction? Yeah well Quentin basically redefined cinema and pop culture with that hit and quite frankly, he has done it again. Wait a second, okay, I'm not comparing this new flick with that old one, I'm saying that this one is a new breed, something that this world of cinema hasn't seen yet, Tarantino has done it again.

This movie begins so brilliantly, it's unbelievable, we open to a lovely countryside and we meet a lovely family and the evil Nazi regime shows up; but you would think there would be guns a blazing right away right? Remember Tarantino has written and directed this so instead of having a showdown with their guns they have a showdown with some good ol' suspense and brilliant dialogue. This scene has the most incredible suspense and build up as we sit in on this conversation and we get some french, some german, and some english being spoken in this scene, it's a brilliant opening for a very brilliant film. We meet an evil general; that will soon see the wrath of the Bast*rds, yes the bast*rds, the 12 famous, angry, jewish, Nazi killing machines that only exist for one reason, killing Nazis. Brad Pitt plays the leader of this crazy clan and he only wants one thing, Nazi scalps, and "he wants his scalps." This clan is crazy and very violent; yes there is a scene where Eli Roth bashes a general's head in over and over and over again, like I said the casting was perfect.

Tarantino's play on language and dialogue is so perfect and at times satiracle; there are moments when subtitles don't match dialogue and times when we have no idea what anyone is saying and times when the characters refer to famous cinema as historical events. The director's love for cinema is at the very center of this movie as the characters use a movie premiere to kill the Fuhr, sorry, Hitler and there are many references to european film and even Tarantino's own films. Now this movie contains elements of every Tarantino movie known to man, we see classic fonts from Pulp Fiction, music from Kill Bill, random cameo's and cop references to Resevoir Dogs, and yes there is a moment for Sam Jackson to give a pleasant narration, but it is brief. This movie contains everything the director loves and he weaves it all in a very entertaining package. This movie is so charming and funny and it is also terribly violently and gleefully cavalier. I could tell as Tarantino wrote this he had a giant smirk on his face.

Well this movie is something new; it comments on a war that was brutal and violent and mocks a leader who loved himself, it also shows Tarantino's hatred for germans and pays tribute to all of cinema no matter what country it's from. The writing is uncanny and full of pop references that people can laugh at and the dialogue is witty and full of life and there is so much to listen to. Tarantino also weaves brilliant suspense throughout the film and rewards us with brutal and gleeful violence and you can really tell that this film is close to his heart. As Aldo Raine puts it at the end after carving the Nazi symbol into a general's head: "I think this is my masterpiece." Yes Quentin, I have to agree, thank you.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

District 9: Finally...****

Usually the summer is the best time for movies; these couple of months are known as the blockbuster months as movies that excite us and make us love movies generally hit the screen. This summer has been the most disappointing summer for movies in a very long time; the best movie so far has been Star Trek and that came out before the summer. I remember seeing a little trailer about this movie and being for excited especially after seeing the junk that has hit screens so far this summer; but I didn't want to get my hopes up, finally a summer worthy blockbuster has found it's way into our theatres and boy is it ever wonderful.

As this movie opens we get introduced to the world of District 9 and we see a man that is so excited to get promoted to the ranking officer in charge of the clean up of the alien district. We see aliens like we've never seen them before; coexisting with humans on earth. We get introduced to offensive alien terms, humanitarian rights regarding the aliens, and why the aliens are here. This sets the stage for something that is very special and very original. The rest I cannot tell you; you'll have to go and see it for yourself but I can tell you this, it'll blow you away and you will be pleasantly surprised. This movie has heart, action, originality, and is filled with emotion as we see into the lives of humanity and aliens as well. This is a true science fiction masterpiece that weilds violence and action together. This movie is rated 18A for a reason; humans explode, aliens are shot, and blood hits the camera plenty of times. This is cloverfield on drugs.

This movie was so exciting to watch and at the same time it hit hard on the emotion without losing that excitement. It was pure action heaven, yes better action than the two action movies of the summer so far, and a throwback to all of the classic science fiction tales of the last couple of decades. This movie is powerful as well with emotionality unlike anything I've seen before in a science fiction movie; I fell in love with everything about this film.

Overall, this movie is the best movie of the summer so far, maybe even the best of the year, it is powerful, fun, witty, original, and filled with eye popping action. If you want something new and exciting; watch this, but if you want the generic hollywood blockbuster you can go watch Gi: Joe instead. This movie is a classic.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Eagle Eye: Watch out! **

The latest actioner from Shia Labeouf has promised to be a satisfying thriller that will take our minds off of the worries of this world. What we get is a movie that not only has a soul but is simply overdone and not all that surprising but there are elements of this movie that are special and that make it watchable; one time through that is.

The premise of this movie is stellar; as the preview showed us Shia walks into his apartment and finds a wack load of weapons and ammunition that was placed there and yes just in time the cops are there to catch him "red handed." What makes this special though is that a girl calls him on his cell phone telling him to run for his life. Now this girl does the same thing to Michelle Monagon's character as well and the two are forced to work together to figure out what is happening and how to fix it. Good premise right? The execution is rather lackluster instead of blockbuster though. The thrill of this movie is simply trying to figure out what's happening and for the first half it works well; there is suspense and excitement but as the movie progresses the lack of direction potentially ruins this movie. The major twist of the film is pretty easy to figure out; and this movie never tries to come up with new ideas it just tries to run on the steam of the twist that comes just about halfway through the movie and this makes it suffer. The audience is taken right out of it because we know what's happening, why it's happening, and how it's happening before the characters do; this is amateur directing. There is good in this movie though.

This movie has plenty of cheap thrills to make it fun; and Shia is very funny as he spurts out random lines that are funny and charming; seeing these two actors together is great but the director never utilizes the talent he has here and these actor's simply become puppets for this movie. It seems these characters are never paid attention to for the entire film until one moment where these two characters are stuck in a box together; we see a very special and tender moment that is emotionally charged and well acted. For the first time in the movie we care for these characters; just a little bit and that is what makes this movie bearable to watch. It's just a shame that this movie couldn't pack that emotional punch throughout the entire film as that would make this movie so much better and more memorable.

Overall this movie isn't brutal; it has moments with awesome action, creepy stalkerish type stuff, funny lines, and charming characters but the movie itself gives everything away way to fast and therefore it makes it hard to sit through this one without falling asleep. There isn't anything new and inventive here and quite frankly if you want to watch a better movie about this sort of thing; watch Enemy of the State . For entertainment, this movie passes, barely, and for anything more than just throw-away fluff, look somewhere else.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

GI Joe: Rise of Cobra: is it over yet? *

Well I was excited for this movie. I really was because it got so many excellent reviews and looked like the ultimate summer movie flick and after the disappointment of Transformers: Revenge of the fallen; I was so excited to see a good, fun, solid action movie. What we got was something very different.

This movie was so bad I don't even know where to begin and this review won't be too long; I won't want to wast my time on this movie any more. The story was totally non-existent and if it was it was so poorly told; I didn't know what was going on at all. The action was just so poorly filmed I couldn't even see what was going on; what looked like it could be cool wasn't because the filming was so poor. The special effects were brutal as well. I've never seen special effects that were this bad; it looked so horrible everytime the action was taking place I couldn't even watch because I was so embarrassed of the special effects. The writing was stupid too, nothing smart being said here, and the acting was just so so poor; like watching an amateur film at a cheap festival, such a trashy movie. There was nothing redeeming about GI Joe, well actually there was one good thing about this movie:

Sienna Miller; she is very good looking and I love her. Other than this the movie sucked. The biggest piece of crap I've seen all summer long. I was very disappointed. and bored.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Resevoir Dogs: Something Special ****

Little directors come out of the starting gate by doing exactly what they want and quite frankly, they don't care if you don't like it. This is the attitude that Tarantino had when he started his film career with this little movie. Now, his newest film, Ingloroius Basterds, comes out on August 25th and to show my excitement I'm going to review every movie that Tarantino has written and directed. This movie is special.

This movie is little, low budget, and all about the characters and how they will make the most important decision of their lives: who do I trust? This is one of the best crime movies made; yes I would even say that this movie if not succeeds it, but is at the same level as The Godfather. This is a form of filmaking that no one had ever seen before and no one has duplicated this very special vision that Tarantino has unleashed. This movie makes the plot totally irrelevant by showing you the middle first, then the beginning, then flashback, then a bit of the end, then the very beginning, then the very end, and as this is happening the story is told so well and the direction is so perfect that we know what's going on the entire time.

The acting is very good in this movie, featuring a cast of Tim Roth, Michael Madsen, Harvey Keitel, Tarantino, Steve Buscemi and many more, this cast is so much fun and simply a blast to watch. But when the acting is top notch there is another aspect that simply will help any movie succeed, writing, and not just how the writing is good but the writing in this movie is absolutely brilliant, Tarantino as a scribe has a rythym to his script and the language is pop culture language as well and many complain about swearing in his movies but Tarantino uses this way of speaking to comment on how people swear a lot. This is simply a comment on society and he simply has hit the mark on this topic spot on, absolutely brilliant. Seeing this movie play out is a joy everytime as you'll laugh, and take part in some very intense drama, and just laugh at some really different characters.

Well this outing by Tarantino is bold and new and something that no one has ever seen. This film has some classic lines and scenes in it and contains a story that is so simple but with the direction and flair makes it so much fun to watch. This was the start of something special as Tarantino was introduced to America and simply put, America will never be the same again. This is a classic.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

An American Crime: A Righteous Anger

As you read the title; you notice that this movie has no stars and yes there is a reason for that. I'm not going to critique this movie because I finished watching this; I had so many emotions running through me. I'm a christian, I know that God is real, I know that Jesus is real, and I know that the bible is the word of God and it is truth.

"Whoever welcomes a little child welcomes me(Jesus). But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large milstone tied around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea" Matthew 18:5-6

This verse is dubbed "The Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven" Kids are valued by the God I worship.

Watching this film was so hard. I do think this film is very important because it exposes child abuse and how easy it is to get carried away really fast; I think people should watch it and learn from it. I'm glad the lady who was guilty of this died. She was selfish, inconsiderate, and she playfully tortured and killed an innocent girl.

I think God has given me a righteous anger because I love kids and watching someone playfully destroy one just isn't my type of thing. I hope she's in hell. Sorry God, I know I'm judgemental, please forgive me. How can people be so evil? Not only was she violent but she facilitated violence towards an innocent girl and encouraged her kids and others to "punish her" so not only did she ruin one life (literally) but she ruined a whole slough of lives. These kids never recovered; one even died of lung cancer at 21 because she got him into smoking.

Let's watch this and learn and never forget Sylvia's story. I will never watch this film again; but I will always fight child abuse and abusers because of her.

I have a righteous anger brewing inside of me.